What a man treasures in a women?

I will ask you very rhetorical question – you want that you were appreciated by men?

I mean those men who are necessary to you.

Of course, all of you want that you were appreciated and loved. Whether but you for this purpose do everything?

Let’s say that you try and make a contribution to the relations, endow yourself, and it all the same does not appreciate it. You already despair, think that matter in you that it is the blockhead, or life shit.

And, maybe, you simply do not know, what men appreciate in women?

What men in women appreciate?

Well, well! Let’s think more widely. If to take some men, and to conduct survey, answers of these men will depend on the one who conducts this survey.

If they are asked by the friend and or simply the man, the answer will be one. If the woman asks, the answer will very strongly change. There will be another!

And from where in general it is possible to learn, what men in women appreciate? From where this information undertakes?

The silliest that it is possible to make, so to ask it directly the man: “Darling, that you in me appreciate?”. It is natural that the man will present very superficial answer.

The brain “How to answer thus will start working for it feverishly not to offend?”.
Girls are mistaken, thinking that they know, for what appreciate them!

On the basis of it the conclusion is also drawn, what women are appreciated by men. Women listen to man’s lie, hand down it, from the blog in the blog.

And, by itself, women try to be value for the man, based on the false (embellished) answers. And, by itself that it does not work.

And still girls start looking for answers on Internet open spaces, on any female pink blogs. And there the author (woman) tells that men in women appreciate. Often this author – lonely, to nobody the necessary woman. Divorced, learns to live other girls!

For reference use. I typed in the search box inquiry “What women men appreciate?”. It was run on several sites, read information on authors, with some communicated and surprised, leaned back on a soft back of a chair and reflected. Though to that here to be surprised?

(Very popular) lonely women have the majority of female blogs! The devil take them but to that they can teach? But they are read, to them trusted. And, as I suspect, readers of such blogs have not enough that will turn out in real life.

From where information is still scooped?

Now obviously era of psychologists. It is now more difficult to find the one who is not fond of psychology. It is difficult to find the one who does not read out himself as the Psychologist from capital letter.

And everyone owing to “the” sample thinking does the conclusions, having read popular books on psychology.

As usual the girl thinks, trying to understand, what appreciate in her men? She judges from the position! Also makes thereby a mistake. Because men and women differ among themselves a little.

Well and it is fine! We will stop this misunderstanding in this article!

Classical values of the man

And what will be if to ask this question in the men’s company? And answers will be much. I want to write a top of answers of men to which I asked a question “That you appreciate in women most of all?”.

  • Beauty (breast, bum, face, symmetry).
  • Youth.
  • In the woman or in general in all women?
  • That did not bang to me a brain (character).
    High-quality sex.
  • Mind!
  • Sense of humor.

With it everything is clear. Men love beautiful young women who do not bang them a brain, cool mistresses, clever and with fine sense of humor. Classics!

These could also be limited and finish article, to drink up green tea and to go to sleep peacefully, with feeling of the fulfilled duty. But very superficially to work is not my bag. I like to get into an essence, to find there the truth and to expose it this.

And for this reason we move further. I hope that having read article up to the end, you will understand a lot of things, rethink and will become more seductive. And it after all cool, isn’t it?

So, I want to stop that all girls in a varying degree, but possess qualities which appreciate men. Well, or most of men…

All are in own way beautiful, all are rather young for certain men of a certain age, all girls have good character in different situations, all are able to give pleasure in sex, all are in own way clever and cheerful. BUT THEY are NOT APPRECIATED ALL THE SAME!

To all to that men appreciate, many girls add a heap of bonuses. Greatly prepare, beautifully put on, dance, try, suffer, looks after men and much that! And all the same there is no value…

How the man can appreciate the woman if the woman herself imposes what he needs to appreciate?

Many girls are guilty of it. They impose the qualities, demand that appreciated them.

I made to you a dinner, and you are not grateful to me!
I for you made a haircut, and you did not even notice!
You do not pay to me attention!
You love me?
I call you, and you to me are not present!
Etc., etc.

As a result, many female pluses which simply have to be, are imposed. And who loves persistence?
What women are appreciated by men?

And now let’s beat on brains because much the shake-up is really necessary and important.
What is the value?

Value is a motivation, the importance, importance something.

What men in general appreciate in the life? If to take in the general parameters, men most often appreciate, except women, it something that they created, the work, the car!

Be not surprised that I now bring material things into comparison. For our instincts, for mentality, for our consciousness there is no distinction between material values and cultural wealth. This same!

Men appreciate in the logical way, women the irrational.

Therefore, that to us with you to understand that men appreciate in women, it is necessary to look exactly at an angle material values. Then everything will rise on the places, it will become clear how to work effectively that men started appreciating you.

For an example and we will take only two things as a basis (enough). It is work and it is the car. Why the man appreciates them? Why they have value?

1. Investments (resources) are made

  • Than the car is more expensive, the more forces is put in work, the big they have value. The man values work if he many sincere and physical forces puts in work. Spends there much time. Worries about progress of the company. All this is insertion of resources.
  • That you started being appreciated, you need to make so that the man started putting in you the resources. This its time and its money. Than more the man puts in you, you to him are dearer to those.
  • I have an acquaintance who is able to part men on expensive gifts. I know that it had men which for holidays all money spent for its whims, and to the wives gave of nothing. And they fell in love with her, they appreciated her. Still! Put in it so much!

2. Certainty of future

  • Why the man appreciates the car? Simply because it does not represent the life without car. It is convenient, it is comfortable, it is reliable. With car he knows that he will be able to sit down and go to it anywhere and when necessary.
  • Why the man appreciates the work? Because work gives it definiteness, he knows that to do to it tomorrow, knows that work grants to it the right to plan the future.
  • For increase in the value, you need to make so that the future of the man With YOU looked in his head something really convenient, terrific, interesting.
  • Many women unconsciously do such manipulation. They behave as the lassie, everything to men allowing, all to it allowing, being dragged with it on soccer. And then stop it doing. And the man sees that his future becomes uncertain. And then the value of the woman falls.
  • Especially, when the new employee at its work shows very clearly that all is possible for it, all is allowed that it with pleasure descends with it on soccer…

3. Return of emotions

  • The car brings many different emotions. Speed gives the drive and fear. Breakage of the car – a regret. Repair – problems. Made the car, made tuning – pleasure.
  • Work too brings the mass of emotions. The salary, achievements in the company, colleagues, awards – give positive emotions. A work involving all hands, a blockage, the chief cattle, stupid gossips, employees idlers – give a negative.
  • And at the exit we have that all this places the man on the car, it not the best, but the native. Work not dream, but the man after all appreciates it.
  • Everything is right. Emotions tie the person, pulling together him with object or the person.
  • Proceeding from it, it is possible to draw a conclusion that in order that you were appreciated, you have to give emotions of different character.
  • The you give less emotions, the you possess smaller value.
  • Scandalous persons would never attach to themselves men if were not able to give positive emotions. At first rough scandal, then rough love. A result – the man appreciates. Shortly. I see.

4. Fear to loss

  • The man does not want that his car was hijacked or broke. He does not want. that he was dismissed or reduced. Always there is a risk. And the risk is more, the value is higher.
  • You need to use impudently it even if you were brought up as the good child. Always there has to be a fear to lose you.
  • He has to, is simply obliged to be jealous you. If the jealousy is not present, at you low – at once I tell value! As if you wanted to evade from this question, to you not to avoid it. As a result you all the same will come to that the jealousy – is extremely important. It is critically necessary!
  • There is no jealousy – there is no motivation to the man better to develop, become.
    What to do that you were appreciated by the man?
  • What for this purpose specifically to do? What steps to take? On it I want to stop that the picture was full that after reading of article you had a clear understanding that to do to you, to what course to send the thoughts.

Below councils will be useful in all cases. No matter, at what stage you now are, recently got acquainted or together some years.

1. Investment of capital

Never refuse gifts which give you men. NEVER!
Appreciate any gifts, both expensive, and inexpensive. Roughly and brightly react to them!
Trifles do not happen. Speak to a thicket “YES!”. Agree to coffee, to tea, to ice cream, to that the man fed you, drove at cinema, in theater, in cafe, etc.
Ask for help in everything. To drive away the car in repair, to check the computer for viruses, to download the application in phone, to go on affairs.
Do not refuse the help! Remember that it is INSTINCTIVELY necessary for the man and it is important to help the woman. If you refuse its help, it will help other girl.
Give gifts.
Let the man put time, namely – waits for you. Expectation always works for you. He has to wait for you not because you eternally are late it is silly! He has to wait for you, because with you in a high. For this purpose learn to promise and carry out.
Act more actively. It is not necessary to wait until the man suggests to descend itself in cafe. Simply tell: “Cool cafe, I was there, went we will come, there meat tasty”. Act itself, what the hell eternally to wait for something?

2. Certain future

  • The most important – give a choice. Many girls make this mistake, they do not leave a choice. They speak: “Tomorrow we go on birthday, be ready”. It is wrong. Correctly it – “Tomorrow I was invited to birthday if you want, went together with me.” You will understand it – your value will go at once up.
  • It is not necessary to impose the future. It can to it not in a high right now! Maybe tomorrow it will change the opinion, but the future needs to be presented more gracefully. Namely, to add in planning of the future not only your joint interests, but at least to add and its personal interests – “We will move to a country house, there you will have the office”.
    Thrust the claims where far away. If you have claims to the man – at you everything is crappy. If your man has claims to you – at you everything is crappy. It is simple when the mouth opens to state the next claim – shut up.
  • Allow it everything. In general all. Allow it all. In general all. You can think now that what the hell you have to it resolve everything!? But you did it earlier. At the beginning of your relations you allowed it if not everything, is exact a lot of things. Why now everything changed?
  • Farewell! If to forgive to the man him sins, he, strangely enough, starts appreciating the woman. Everything is simple – the majority tell the most settling phrase “If you change me (you will deceive, you will go without me, you will not buy something) I it will never forgive you!”. I assure you that the man mentally sends such woman to hell. Only strong women, worthy women can forgive (That you made, I all the same will forgive you!). Such we respect, such we appreciate. This pure gold. This luck to find such. Such there is no wish to offend! I declare it on behalf of all men! Here article “How to learn to forgive?”.
  • Be in its subject. You will hardly place him on “Dom-2”, most likely, he will not discuss with you, what manicure to you to make, but it with delight will accept you in the interests. If you show sincere interest, of course.

3. Return of emotions

  • Please
  • Anger
  • Surprise
  • Interest
  • Intrigue
  • Make blush
  • Give tenderness
  • Be moderately rough
  • Be obedient today
  • Be inaccessible tomorrow
  • Completely submit
  • Subordinate HIM!
  • Doubt it
  • Let him doubt you
  • Disturb
  • Leave alone
  • Ignore
  • Care

4. Fear to lose.

  • Always communicate with other men. On work, with his friends, with the friends. Simply communicate, let’s communication be.
    Tell that earlier you dreamed of sex with two men, and now consider it as bad idea. In the head of your man there will be very interesting phenomenon. You can check it today).
    Not always answer its calls.
    Tell as you were tried to be tempted.
    Estimate man’s acts. Admire worthy acts not only the man…
    Look always so that to be pleasant to all men, keep in a tone of all men who see you.
  • Your value in male eyes depends only on you one. Only you can operate it, regulate, as a sound on columns.
  • You or are ill a syndrome of the princess, thinking that time you are a woman, you already have to appreciate, by default. It so, actually. You are appreciated, only when you can excite men. Then you simply become necessary to nobody, remaining angry on all men and on all this world.

Or you operate. You hold the life in hand. You do not float, as a log on a current where will bring. And you build to yourself happy life in which you are appreciated. Respect. Love.